Understanding of Metatags
Meta Tags
The first thing that need to be
discussed is to give a brief hint about the Meta Tags, the head section of your
HTML is where meta tags are placed. Once you are familiar with HTML tags, you
should learn more about these tags. This is the syntax of any meta tag (SEO
Services Agency in Manila, Philippines, 2022):
<head>Meta tags are located
One of the main ways a website
may communicate with the robots that search engines use to crawl the content of
web pages so that it can be indexed is through the use of meta tags. Meta tags
are used to tell search engines whether or not a webpage should be listed and
to offer more information about its content. For two key reasons, this elevates
meta tags to the status of essential components in web SEO techniques. In order
to increase our chances of ranking better in the SERPs, we can help robots
understand the content of each page of a website using accurate meta tag
authoring and setting (Blog.hubspot, 2022).
Here are some examples of
metatags that been used in TechTarget, in this case I tied to research “ What
is metadata and how is works” as showen in screenshot bellow (TechTarget, 2022).
Here is the metatag that helped the SEO to show the most appropriate website for me <meta property="og:title" content="What is metadata and how does it work?" /> (TechTarget, 2022), in addition to that any website can use an word, loge or short phrases related to the heading or even some links for a photos or other website that are related to the same website.
Blog.hubspot, 2022. Full List of
Meta Tags, Why They Matter for SEO & How to Write Them. [online]
Blog.hubspot.com. Available at:
<https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/meta-tags> [Accessed 18 July 2022].
SEO Services Agency in Manila,
Philippines, 2022. What are Meta Tags and why are they important?. [online] SEO
Services Agency in Manila, Philippines. Available at:
[Accessed 18 July 2022].
TechTarget, 2022. What is metadata and how does it work?. [online] WhatIs.com. Available at: <https://www.techtarget.com/whatis/definition/metadata> [Accessed 23 July 2022].
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